Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world

During the holidays, you want a lot of families to travel abroad, but caution you if you advance to travel to one of the countries of Europe or the United States or even the East Asian countries, because the hotel might be haunted, and the ghosts are its client private Vsjlat hotels reported a lot of stories which confirms that some of the hotels that were inhabited by ghosts inhabit the earth did not Nbarhaa, though you are an amateur adventure or those who do not experience the fear of ghosts, you offered the newspaper «Telegraph» British, the list of the most famous hotels in the inhabited world. 
1 Resort «without Cesar Beach» in Florida
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world

The resort is located on the shore of Florida, and Ashrk turquoise, pink and designed the Royal distinctive, and spin the story of the palace about the owner who was linked to a love story with a girl when he was studying in Europe, but his family stood a barrier between the completion of the marriage, and the days passed and the dead girl, but under the hotel owner live on her memory, that decided to build a tourist hotel and stayed in the middle of a large fountain-like, which was to meet his lover then, and when he died hotel owner decided to heirs demolition of the fountain's desire to make renovations, and here began visitors to the hotel watching the hotel owner and his lover roam the hotel's garden Michopky hands. 
2 Crescent Hotel in Los Angeles
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
Established this hotel in 1886, is best known as the most exciting of the horror of what has its ghosts inhabited, and the story began when he went bankrupt this hotel and turned into a school, then bought in 1937 a doctor named Norman Baker, and contributed to the innovation of medicines for cancer, and about this doctor hotel to the hospital healthy , and had patients coming for treatment not Abrahon this hospital but they are mortal, and then began ghosts show any guest comes to him. 
3 Hotel «Akasaka Weekly Maenchen» in Japan
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
The hotel «Akasaka Weekly Maenchen» is located in the Japanese capital Tokyo of the most famous hotels horrible, and relates many of the horror stories and dangerous, especially ghost «Nubira me», which is a spirit of terrifying, and be quiet in the absence of people, and as soon as the approaching person turns up to a state of panic, and appears in the hotel and the white face and Amorphous, said a large number of residents of the hotel in the hands of their sense of trying to touch them during sleep, or their vision for the ghost-like clouds. 
4 Hotel «Dalhaws Castle» in Scotland
The world's most haunted hotels
Built Castle «Dalhaws» in the 13th century, and subsequently became the most important hotels Edinburgh, and confirms the visitors and staff in this hotel is that it is haunted by the ghost of one, a «Lady Catherine» who died Xeirh Fouad in this castle, and pulls Hbhal clothes Visitors and knocking on their doors late, it also Ahoyjzb visitors and staff of the hotel feeling sometimes. 
5 Hotel «Talbot» in England
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
This hotel was basically a fortress called Fodhirangy built in 1100, almost been associated with history as was the birthplace of Richard III, who found his remains, and tried the Queen of Scots «Marie» then cut her head, and in 1600 came under the castle ruin and destruction, but saved parts of it, to turn into a hotel «Talbot». 
And is known for this place, the story revolves around it when she was Queen «Marie» going down the stairs on her way to the penalty occurred, including a piece of the throat, which were worn on the wood stairs, and although she was deceased for more than 400 years, but they did not sleep easily, Vhbhaa permanent walking under the stairs, and sometimes result in the transfer of the furniture in place and other noise. 
6 Hotel «Taj Mahal Palace» in India
Built Castle «Dalhaws» in the 13th century, and subsequently became the most important hotels Edinburgh, and confirms the visitors and staff in this hotel is that it is haunted by the ghost of one, a «Lady Catherine» who died Xeirh Fouad in this castle, and pulls Hbhal clothes Visitors and knocking on their doors late, it also Ahoyjzb visitors and staff of the hotel feeling sometimes.  5 Hotel «Talbot» in England
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
Claims that this luxury hotel in the Indian city of Mumbai, dating back to a century ago, the haunted spirit of a resident, a spirit of architect British, W. E. Chambers, who put the original model of the hotel and then went on a trip to his homeland in 1903 when he returned from his trip hit by the shock following the discovery and that the front facade of the hotel was built against the trend, the subject has grieved deeply and Aktib even committed suicide, and claims that the ghost still lives in the old wing known Bgmodah and the aura surrounding it. 
7 hotel «Castello della Castelochea» in Italy
The world's most haunted hotels
Considered to Rome the city's most forward in the world, has been spilled with Lee land a lot of blood, more than any other city on earth, and this hotel was originally a castle built in the 11th century, has been renovated and converted to a hotel, and confirmed hotel guests all that the hotel inhabited by 3 ghosts coming from previous centuries, as well as the ghost of Emperor «Nero» which appears peddler in the hotel gardens, it also serves some of the hotel guests vision for horses spectral roam at night, and there are a lot of stories that seem closest to the imagination, derived events of the history of the region which has seen and was home to many of the aristocratic families that have left a shadow hovering in the region. 
8 Hotel «Ballygally Castle» in Northern Ireland
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
Woman was in this hotel for violence at the hands of her husband when she wanted to escape from it, and could not, for the aim of the window itself, and is said to be the ghost of this lady knocking on the door to visitors for the night and then disappears. 
9 hotel «Dalhousie Castle» in England
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
Who knows the ghost wandering around the hotel on behalf of Ms. Grey, a woman who was the mistress of the owner of the sternum, to learn the wife and avenge them to arrest her until she died. 
10 hotel «Jaeloves» in Texas
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
There would remain a bride adrift of love on the fifth floor of this hotel, which is located in the area of ​​Galveston, Texas, but she hanged herself in the tower hotel after learning the news of the loss of her fiance in the sea, it is sad that her fiance returned unscathed, but it was too late, and said that her soul tormented ago that time is still sitting in this hotel did not Nbarha never, and has a staff and guests at this hotel for opening and closing the doors of the same, and seeing phantom incarnations, and crashes in devices and equipment, in addition to seeing strange lights in the hotel tower. 
11 hotel «Contact» in Australia
The world's most haunted hotels
Famous Australia on rough and tumble, as a British penal colony is what makes this disorder is transmitted to the walls of their homes and hotels, and is the hotel «Contact», which is located in the city of Sydney, Australia, and one of the hotels that were classified within hotels darkness, and the hotel was in the former hospital, and spread it the smell of death due to an outbreak of smallpox and plague to become later in the later they went down to the sailors, with the passage of years, decided to convert it to a hotel, but one of the sailors at least refused to get out of the place and he died, and he says guests they wake up to the existence of a creature of darkness Atamlhm on the bed, and others claim they see ghosts roam the halls in one or they open and close the doors, and some claim that the renovation work on the old hospital building, helped to awaken the spirits of old static. 
12 hotel «Drajholk Slot» in Denmark
Pictures | 13 months ghosts haunted hotels in the world
Do not get terrified if I learned that in this hotel 3 ghosts at once, one of the maid who was working the hotel, and another daughter of the owner of the hotel, while the third is the criminal killed during the process of arrest, to find the final kicks off a cart pulled by horse in the back yard of the hotel. 
13 hotel «Chelsea» in upstate New York
The world's most haunted hotels
Is one of the major tourist attractions in the state of New York, an American, was built in the period between 1883 and 1885 and was the seat of countless artists, writers, poets, musicians, and famous Bashamh, and I told him a lot of stories, and killed a girl named «Nancy» by musician killed is the other after falling from a balcony window, as the poet Dylan Thomas was staying in «Chelsea» when he fell in a coma deadly, for to die in the hospital, has been monitoring the ghosts roam the halls of the hotel and going along with the playwright Eugene O'Neill, and novelist Thomas Wolfe, as Male clients and hotel guests to feel that they were all paranormal phenomena hotel stay period starting from cold air, to hear the voice of the steps, Valoadwae and amortization and operating devices.

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