Saturday, August 16, 2014

The most important tourist areas in Kuala Lumpur in 2013

Towers of Kuala Lumpur Petras Twin Towers 

Height: 452 meters. * Number of floors: 88 floors above the ground 5 floors underground. * Duration of the project: six years (1992, 1998). * Total area: 500.197 m 2. * Height between floors: 4 meters. 
The basic idea of the project initially is to exploit this space and turn it into green space as an outlet for the congested capital was not planning to build this project exists in the mind at all. This is what makes the city's residents objected at first to the idea of ​​the establishment of the project as it was their view that this city does not need more large buildings that would increase the lack of green space and also increase traffic congestion within the city's streets. The government has accused subsequently failing to deliver on its promises to the people and their preference of commercial interests and political interests of the people. 
The government's response to these accusations, the issue of transforming this space into a green land will not benefit the country on the material, but you'll need a lot of money. On the other hand, can bring this project to the state a lot of money that can be exploited later in the issue of the development environment. In addition, the government promised to expand and improve the roads in the area surrounding the project, as well as improve the train service in the city to reduce traffic congestion. 
Then the government began to discuss Alavcarelmatarouhh to exploit this region. The trends are all confined to about the idea of ​​turning the site into an integrated project and multi-use, or in other words, a place that can be exploited by people in employment, housing, shopping and enjoying the leisure stay as well as artistic and cultural activities. This means implicitly allocate a portion of the total area of the park stay open green space serving the recreational side and serve as a lung breathes new residents of the city which was the people's wishes. 
The final image is already out of the project as collector commercial administrative Residential entertaining surrounded by green space from the outside contain large parks for children. After making decisions for the project came the role of the Malaysian petroleum company Petronaz finance the project with a capital of nearly half in conjunction with some other Malaysian companies, but it was the company Petronaz the largest share in the financing of the project financially in exchange for the allocation of part of the building for its own offices. 
In order to choose the best design contest was held at the level of the world where the government has provided many designs were selected in the end, the design of American architect Cesar Bailey, who has designed many famous buildings in New York and winning the gold medal by the Association of American architects. When he started engineer in the design of the building where he found what Malaysians achieve their dreams and began to implement a design that was soon won the admiration of the whole world and especially the long buildings and construction, where it launched the title of world's tallest tower. Did not fall within the Tvkiralamelisean also engage in a race with the big and famous buildings around the world, and may even be a question that delivered by Malaysian Prime Minister on American engineer just such curiosity is what put the idea of ​​competition towers for high-rise buildings and skyscrapers in the world. 
What happened is that the prime minister raised the question after studying the engineering drawings thrust km at least the length of this building for the tallest building in the world?, And was the tallest building in the world at that time is the Sears Towers in Chicago and the state of America. The reference designs and some of the calculations show that the difference is not great between the towers and the towers of Chicago in the pipeline and began thinking in making these towers longer than those turrets and even the longest in the world. The implementation of this simple thing will not require an increase in the number of roles, but the increase of the length of the summit crowned for each of the two towers, which was scheduled to be in excess supply and not length. The spirit of Islamic architecture was the Sears Towers This is the longest in the world that is created by the two twin towers, but when completed constructed, and in 1996 it was found that these towers excels at about 33 feet from the towers of Chicago. Despite the fact that this title was launched on them by the long buildings and architecture, but many of the characters in the world opposes it and keep the towers of Chicago's tallest towers in the world. The reason is due to the part of the summit, which was the highest increase of the building, which contributes to the rise, which is not acceptable to the American supporters of the towers. In any case, the Malaysian towers is rightly considered an architectural masterpiece exceeded all expectations and made Malaysia boasts of being the first state title of tallest buildings extracted from the United States. The towers on the other hand represent a landmark and important evidence on the development and prosperity in Malaysia in the last two decades. 
In addition, the design engineer Billy has met impressive Malaysians and in particular retaining cultural heritage of Malaysia, through the use of ideas inspired by Islamic architecture and Arab architectural forms. Therefore, we find it is used to repeat the form of the Islamic star and eight-limbed showing several boxes overlapping with each other. Also, we find that the design of the Bishop halls and lounges inspired by the designs of ancient Arab palaces. General and both the architectural and engineering design of the towers have succeeded in defining the world on Malaysia and civilization, just as to make the world aware of the importance of that state at the time the present and the future as well. 
As the designer says that the design engineer embraces the past at the same time suggests that modern civilization and the future. From the viewpoint of one of the architects, the architectural form of the building represents the unity and consistency, stability, and most importantly of all, he is inspired by the principles and teachings of Islam. As for the magnitude of the building and the diversity of its tasks is enough to know that the cost of its inception amounted to more than a billion USD, which contains a large area dedicated for commercial shops and entertainment venues of eight million square feet. It also contains a parking garage underground to accommodate approximately 500.4 car, in addition to the Museum of the Petroleum Equipment and meeting hall. As well as the building contains a large mosque within the reserve, and is not so strange as the exterior design of the building represents a combination of a religious nature and modernity and economic prosperity. Columns of cosmic height of the tower per 1483 feet (452 meters) component so 88 floors above ground and 5 floors underground and the rate of rise of the floor about 4 meters. 
The bridge linking the two towers metallic flexible length of 558 feet (170 meters) and is located in the region between floors 41 and 42, where the public allows it to stand to enjoy the view from this outstanding high place. Launched on the overall shape of the two buildings and a bridge connecting the two columns name Cosmic Gate cosmic or why they are not an extension of it ends up in the sky. The idea came to create this bridge linking the two towers from the early stages of thinking in the building despite the fact that the design was not the same as it is now. Has been designed to be extremely flexible so as to face the wind factor that drives the twin towers, it must accommodate the movement of the bridge a little flexible towers and only appeared a lot of accidents and damage to the towers. And Baadalastaqrar on the final design of the bridge has to use the giant lifting machines in order to raise the bridge between the two towers and install. After that, the engineers tested the bridge and flexibility through engineering programs on the computer where the movement trends have been identified, according to the movement of the wind to make sure it fulfills its mission to the fullest. Snapshots of engineering design are as follows attempt to explain some of the safety procedures and safety carried out in the section on the bridge and the towers and the impact on each other, because that bridge is a safety factor for the inevitable for the two towers also represents a factor attracting distinguished visitors, where they enjoy watching the view of the city from this high altitude. Depends on the values ​​of flexible bridge extends from the 29th floor diagonally to be up to the 41st floor, where the bridge begins. 
This flexible stent fitted pegs moving there at the edge of the bridge, as well as in the upper part of it. This flexible struts that will allow the bridge to fall and rise towers while spreading out or are close to each other in order to avoid crashes towers or parts of a bridge. These stents are also working on a central point equivalent powers between the joints moving in both towers. While shaking legs moving towers supporting the bridge are pivotal flexible allows for the halfway point in relegation to the bottom of the bridge or climb to the top by the convergence or divergence of the towers. The towers when it moves in opposite directions, the points from which the stent is moving in a circular motion and thus slip parties to the bridge in the opposite direction and maintaining a balanced balance the twin towers. Even if the bridge was one of the foundations of flexible towers will not collapse but will Anhrfan little about its place with retention of balance. Transient problem! The truth is that no one can imagine the consequences that can occur if an error occurred in the design or implementation of this project, and perhaps this is what make the operators of the project are doing their best to provide these security measures and preventive measures in the building. But what happened prior to completion of the building and surrender came unexpectedly. After the completion of the project appeared to spread among the inhabitants of the city that one of the towers slightly tilted toward the other. And it came to such an extent that this rumor became a story recounted by newspapers that arrived to the Malaysian government, which has in turn validates this news, which will mean a major disaster not only for the project but for the entire state of Malaysia. On the other hand, engineers began the project managers to verify engineered from this incident that seemed obvious to the naked eye and is specialized. 
As a result, the Malaysian government has allocated a team engineered a neutral to discuss this problem. Started all parties concerned with the problem on its part that the results were reassuring for all parties. Was a tendency in the towers obvious fact, but is caused by the conflicting forces of the loads placed upon it, and because these forces were affecting the peak tower was apparently tilted. And also reassuring that this tendency of the tower was happening within the borders of the tower carrying calculated accurately in addition to that this tendency will disappear if the project is completed and start using it. Control system in the building includes a control system in the building centralized management control in each of the units and central air-conditioning unit and lighting control and monitoring of electric power services and power steering. The central air-conditioning systems in the towers are based on the latest technology and the idea of ​​working units transfer air from one floor to another. This system would avoid a lot of problems such as the problem of sound and pressure, in addition to being easy to control and maintenance. 
Add to that the high-quality communication system in place in the building, which ensures keep up with the needs of its employees at present and in the future also. The infrastructure for telecommunications network designed in the form of a local circle of contacts within the boundaries of the building site controlled by the Central Department of Telecommunications, which represents the link between the internal network of the building and the external public network allowing work online conferences and e-mail in addition to the central telephone services. On the other hand, contains 76 buildings on a lift at a rate of 26 passengers to load one. Building the mosque Annex carried out the interiors of the building of the mosque a team of craftsmen from the State of Uzbekistan to be able to implement Lines complex, which adorn the interior and exterior walls of the mosque, in addition to decorating the halls with marble, granite, stained glass, which gives the sunlight entering the courtyard of the mosque colors overlapping makes the interior space beautiful masterpiece, as is the masterpiece from outside, overlooking the mosque from the outside to the garden and wide to confer on the sanctity of the place as a whole and in tribute Iimania, which makes clear the difference between this place and its surroundings from the bustle of urban life, and then for Spirituality. Containing the main hall of the mosque for prayer consists of three floors and can accommodate 2,500 worshipers, while the hall can accommodate additional and existing on the ground floor to the 3500 serum, in addition to the hall specially created in order to pray for women. 
On top of that can increase the space allocated to pray on the ground floor as it is surrounded by a garden. Funny statistics associated with the name and location of the building with many famous films. Both towers on the amount of iron steel amounting to 910.36 that any weighing more than the combined weight of 3000 Phil. The journey from the base of the building to its peak just 90 seconds into the elevator. Containing buildings on the 32000 window., And the process can take months to clean the entire order process ends cleaned only once. The name is the name of the twin towers of the Malaysian oil company that bears the same name. It is a great company extends its activities to South Africa and Somalia. This means that the towers are not of the establishment of the Malaysian government but from the finance company Batronaz and only state to supervise the public, and to provide protection and safety of the building, as there can be no such mega projects without providing the necessary care and protection. Construction cost about 2.1 billion dollars. The bridge rises about 170 meters above the ground and a length of 4.58 meters and weighs about 750 tons. Free access to the bridge, but the management of the building acted today in a limited number of tickets (800 tickets only), in addition to that you are not allowed to stand on the bridge for more than 10 minutes only. The building houses a shopping mall consists of 6 floors with a total area 000 0.93 square feet. The building on an area of land was exploited as an arena for horse racing. 

Beacon Kuala Lumpur KL Towers 

KL Tower is the fourth tallest tower in the world after Toronto and Moscow Ostankino Tower Shang Hai in China. This tower is located in the city center of Kuala Lumpur, up 421 meters at its peak there is a restaurant and retail moving to souvenirs and promotions platform for art in the ground floor. Access times: The time of 10:00 to 22:00 and prefer to go to him before Morocco and has a circular Restaurant (Sri Onjaasa) and can be seen from the capital, during and listen to the commentary in the Arabic language. 

National Museum Natial Museum 

The main museum in Malaysia. Founded in 1963 to be a compound of the Malaysian cultural legacies, and has its different sections to reflect the evolution and growth of Malaysia, the historical section, Department of coins, musical instruments, Cultural Section, Department of History, Department of Nature and the Department of Arts and Popular Traditions. And has a library of 6500 Mahtma topic to research in archeology, and also maintains some museum exhibitions from time to time. 

Islamic Museum The Islamic Art Museum 

The museum houses many of the departments, the Department of Islamic architecture and includes models for some of the mosques, Department of genes Ottoman Empire and includes many of the artifacts from the Ottoman Empire in Turkey and Syria, Islamic manuscripts and includes more than 200 manuscript Islamic rare and is open daily from eighth to fifth. And closes on Monday 


It is within the Kuala Lumpur but Haddik very large and sprawling, and if you want to see all the animals you Setsegriq at least two hours to watch all kinds of animals and the value of the ticket almost 6 ringgit advised to go to the morning .. very large. The entry price for adults 15 and 6 and the small camera 15. By train runs round internal free. In closing 17:00 23:00 holidays. Variety, but unordered. And it offers a variety of 

Bird Park 

A wonderful garden for the most beautiful birds of the world .... It is located downtown and can access it after paying the entrance fee and when you enter the park you will find that it is greater than than you think birds are not in cages, but there is a network transparent and above to prevent birds from leaving the park and the many kinds of birds as well as the Falls industrial and industrial collapsed and hanging bridges, lakes and entry fee (for adults 28/20 for young Rnguet). Access times from 9:00 pm to 6:00 p.m. 

Butterfly Park TAMAN RAMA 

Cousin of garden birds but small in size and you will see when you log in many kinds of butterflies, as well as sizes for large and very strange forms and garden covered from the top connected to the transparent also to prevent the butterflies from going out and there are also lakes contain different kinds and forms of fish, turtles and frogs On your way out will pass on the galleries contain basins huge glass and inside alien species of insects and can not be seen easily, and that takes some of the color of the branch or tree or sand color glory to the Creator and there are many kinds of scorpions, spiders and snakes, and you will see too many kinds of insects, stuffed and hung on the walls, before going out of the park will enter the shop souvenir. Entry Fee of $ (RM 10) 10 ringgit per person, and if it is a video camera with you, you must pay 4 ringgit Ranecat and one for regular camera. 

Flower Garden 

On the opposite side of the bird park and access to it is free in the days of the end of the week and other entry Bernjt one and you will see there are many exotic flowers and bright colors and coordinator in a very beautiful and also you'll see the beautiful fountains 

Lake Tasik Taman Tasik Perdana Birdana 

In the area called her name Lake Garden Lake is a wonderful and very nice for a stroll and you can get off her walk through the deer park. After the second at noon. Lake Perdana differ from Titi and Langsa and the first most beautiful and the second is not worth a visit and the information of see what ride with a Chinese saying to him Take me to Lake Garden and when fitted with an Indian saying to him take me to Tasik Perdana, and when fitted with Malawi telling him to take me to the Taman Tasik Perdana. 

Oquaraa Aquaria 

A nice place to view the fish and marine organisms inside the basins. Located in the center of the twin exhibitions Bjawaralbergan specifically Bjawarfendq Mandarin, entry fees are expensive (38 for adults and 26 for children) open from 11:00 curb 20:00. The last entry 19:00 

Park Twin Towers 

Very nice garden next to the towers by fountains and waterfalls and a children's pool and children's games. 

Building Sultan Abdul Samad Sultan AbdulSamed 

Samad, a length of 130 meters wide coolest feature architectural Dataran Merdeka. This edifice, built the complex art of wondrous mixture to blend Moonjula, Berber, Arab, and British classical architectural style. Method of expression for innovation from British colonial Malaysian culture. Designed by Norman and Bidwell architects. Taking more than two years to build and was in 1897 the building was initially used as a center of the British colonial administration in Malaysia. Today, the Malaysian Courts Complex 

Tahrir Square Datan Merdika 

Dataran Merdeka was (Tahrir Square) axis once, and cockroach Green, the British colonial presence in Malaysia. Appropriately enough where pealed time 0:01 in the August 31, 1957, sent down the British flag and the flag was raised to signal Malaysian Malaysia's independence as a state. Flagpole and a length of 100 meters, which is the longest in the world. Dataran Merdeka under no restaurants underground Plaza Petra and entertainment complex, which houses the Center for Golf internal Petra, Bar-T-Golf the first in the city.

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